Video footage
Johnny Walker competing 2013
16.2hh. Short coupled chestnut gelding four white socks . Very good temperament so easy to do and handle . Has sat nav built in for jumping really knows his job to newcomers.
I support the hard work and effort put into British horse breeding and young horse production by Stud Ukeuro here in Kent.
Guy Williams, British Show Jumper
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Johnny Walker
Belgian Warmblood (BWP)/Gelding/Chestnut/16.1hh(0)
D/O/B: Wednesday, 01 June 2005
Super horse. £95 BSJA winnings so can compete at B.N ? Discovery level
He has a very good record wins and places regularly at B.N Discovery.
A real schoolmaster who will geninely take you round and is quick and balanced in a jump off . He can go much higher than 110m as he has a lot of jumpand his technique always makes sure you get a clear round .
Snaffle mouthed never pulls ,well schooled on the flatt . He has done cross country, dressage. Really is a super super horse, would be a perfect mother/daughter horse or perfect for ambitious teenager.
Open to vet never sick or sorry, Loads and travels well no vices good to shoe and very easy to handle a complete gentleman.
more videos on You Tube Gabriella Kaye and Johnny Walker.
Good prince tel 07802371548