Tuesday, 22 October 2024

T:01303 844000 E: larkie@studukeuro.com

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This section devotes itself to the types of livery on offer at Stud Ukeuro.

We are now offering experienced schooling liveries for youngsters if you are struggling to take the next step in their production.

Assisted liveries complement DIY with added services such as morning of evening turn out, please call if interested

We offer field or broodmare livery which includes all aspects from Broodmare's in the field, to foaling down, excluding covering.
We also offer DIY, Full, Schooling, Selling, Breaking and Competition liveries. There are further details on each type of livery to the right.

Particular areas of expertise are:

Schooling youngsters on a two or four week specialised break. Caroline can give the rider many pointers regarding good production technique and the horse can be schooled by our experienced team members.

Breaking youngsters.
Breaking of youngsters we carry out very gently and any horse both sharp and quiet will be given plenty of time to adjust to its new role.
Please click on the livery type that suits you for more information or call 07802371548 and ask for Caroline.


We must add that Stud UK Euro cannot be held liable for any injury that occurs to your horse by another horse when on livery/visiting/training at Stud UK Euro.

Our team members

Sales and Schooling Enquiries
Caroline Phillips
07802 371 548

Stud Husbandry, Contract Work & AI
Rupert Phillips
07802 371 547

Office Administration & Livery Enquiries
Katie Phillips
01303 844000

Farm Staff
Will Greenwood (Scaf)

Meet the team

Caroline Training at Stud Ukeuro

Caroline Phillips

Caroline Phillips, is the full time working partner within Stud Ukeuro. Main decision maker and source of all knowledge. Her experience spans 35 years of handling horses and her natural talent and instincts when handling, schooling and nursing Horses is second to none. Caroline is Stud UKeuro.

T: 01303 844000   M: 07802 371548   E: larkie@studukeuro.com


Rupert Phillips

Caroline's Husband & Business Partner. Enjoys the stock husbandry, breeding, Foaling and Stud Farm management. He is mainly office based but It is rumoured that he will ride if absolutely necessary and with out question on Christmas day.

T: 01303 844000   M: 07802 371547   E: rupert@ukeuro.com

Scaf with John Deere

Will Greenwood alias "Scaf"

Will Greenwood.

Affectionately known as "Scaf" he has worked here since he left school 16 years ago. Living on the Farm in his teens and early twenties he has now settled down with a beautiful partner Claire in the village of Elham and has two growing sons Archie and Wilfred. Both of whom are very keen to jump on the Tractors and JCB.
He handles all  haylage, hay and straw enquiries and deliveries. Other work includes contract baling, hedge cutting, hay and haylage making, deliveries, lcal dung collections, maintainance and husbandry of paddocks and general agricultural work associated with a 120 horse stud farm.

He is developing our log trade locally and a keen designer of wine racks made from horse shoes, Oak and other hard wood. Please enquire if you ar interested in a horse shoe wine rack.

Call 07725 832447  for details of the above.

T: 01303840060   M: 07725832447   E: will.greenwood@ukeuro.com


Bridie Passmore

Bridie is Group Head of Finance handling the accounts for a number of other associate companies including Stud UK Euro LLP. She has been with us for 12 years, and is vital with regards to the back office and consequently the smooth running of the Stud and the Farm. She is very patient and has a cool head in times of chaos. A very valued member of the team.

T: 01303 844000   M: 07710973809   E: bridiebirch1@gmail.com