Tuesday, 22 October 2024

T:01303 844000 E: larkie@studukeuro.com

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Latest News

140 m

Kaikala UK Z, by Kannan x Darco International Talent

Joe Trunkfield and Studukeuros Kaykala Uk Z has come fourth in her first 140m
she has jumped endless double clears at Foxhunter and 130m 
Her mother has bred two 160m horses already and now the very talented Kaykala UK Z 

Flipper Darco wins International class at Olympia with Holly Smith, Very exciting times ahead for this fantastic new partnership!


Puissance Champion from Stud Ukeuro

 3 in a row !
Mr Blue Sky UK takes three puissance wins in a row with record height 2.23m or 7’4” at Olympia London 2018
a big thanks Uk his rider Guy Williams and Team Williams. 

Winters Here at Stud UK Euro!

We have recently weaned this seasons foals, they are all now in the barn for winter.Looking warm and settled with the snow on the way. Do feel free to contact us if any of them take your fancy. 


Zaire jumping and placed at Crofton Manor

 Zaire. 2nd in Crofton Manor Halloween Grandprix. Derek McCoppin rode Zaire to 2nd place on Ssturday

Stud UK Euro are off to HOYS with Mr Blue Sky UK for the first time since Zaire won the Talent Seekers Final in 2012

Stud UK Euro are off to HOYS with Mr Blue Sky UK for the first time since Zaire won the Talent Seekers Final in 2012. We are very excited to say that Mr Blue Sky UK and Derek were 3rd in a very competitive HOYS Grade C qualifier at The Royal Norfolk Show at the end of June to take the HOYS ticket! The ground was wet, it was a technical course that gave only 6 double clears the third fastest was Derek. We have high hopes for Mr Blue Sky UK and will try to get him as prepared as possible for the atmosphere in that arena! 

South of England County Show

 From Thursday 9th - Saturday 11th we had horses competing at the South of England county show in Ardingly, West Sussex.
They all gained valuble jumping in such a big atmosphere with over 11,000 people watching! Zaire and VDL Cassius both did superb rounds in the Grand Prix but neither were lucky enough to qualify for the jump off. Other super stars of the show were; Mr Blue Sky UK and Luxxella who both did fantastic rounds in the HOYS Grade C qualifier, Donders who stepped up to his first 1.30m with us for a lovely double clear and Crack Boom Shake the Room UK who at only 6 years old did her first 1.30m just for an unlucky fence in the jump off. We are looking forward to more shows.. Next on the calender is Weston Lawns from the 23rd-27th of June!

Horses in the money at Felbridge!

The last 2 shows have proved a great success for Stud UK Euro. There have been great results including 3 wins, a 2nd and a 3rd! The main winners have been Dereck's own mare 'Luna' who won two Newcomers on only her 3rd show with him and his other mare Luxxella was 2nd! Then, Marcus and Emma Craggs VDL Cassius performed unbelievably to win the 1.30m in a hotly contested jump off. Stud UK Euro's own horse Donders, an 8yo bay mare came 3rd in the foxhunter last week and recorded another double clear today. Don Calvaro jumped a class round in the Foxhunter to register yet another double clear! 
Pictured: Donders

McCoppin on Lady Luck

Dereck McCoppin wins the 135 in Spain

 Dereck wan the 135 this weekiend having gathered a number of double clears and places in the age and 130 classes. Dereck and Alice Palmer are riding well and follow them on sunshinetour.net/en/streaming-en-directo/  liove streaming each day.

Trucks on the road

On the road to Spain

Half way there 18 horses three trucks and a bundle of people

Stud truck leaving Shelvin

Studukeuro leave for the Sunshine tour

 Dereck McCoppin with 6 horses to join Alice Palmer on route to Spain. Chopard Van Overis, Mr Blue Sky Uk, Cindoctro S all very talented horses.

Stallion Licencing at Stud Ukeuro

 4 stallions were passed to cover on 19th Aug 2015. two 4 yr olds Golden Gun UK and Darco Tonto UK will take up their licence immediately and we will make frozen semen available as soon as it can be collected. We are very pleased taht these amazing yougsters have been given an opportunity and confident they will make exceptional sires.

GUY WILLIAMS Clinic at STUD UK EURO 21st April 2015

 Guy Williams Clinic 21st April 2015 at Studukeuro Canterbury CT4 6RL. Kent 

Group lessons £35 each 1 hour 15 minutes no individual lessons. 
A level of jumping is needed - 1m/ 110 m /120m / 130m / 140m 
Large floodlit sand school with Jump for Joy sponsored jumps.
£5 deposit via bank transfer to secure your place.

Limited places available so please email Katie@ukeuro.com with your horses name, your address and level you are jumping at. You will then be emailed back with the bank details to transfer your deposit.

We have very few places left so please get in touch if you would like a place.

The Healthy Horse Company - Haylage Analysis


The Healthy Horse Company have recently undergone some analysis testing of our haylage so that we have a better idea of the compositions that make up our haylage which we make ourselves here at Stud UK Euro.


We will be providing our results of nutritional composition to all of our haylage customers.


Summary -

We have had a large amount of our haylage analysed covering our high level dry matter bales and the more rich wet haylages.

Throughout the samples we had taken, the ADF and NDF values have been well below the recommended limit. This means the horses gain more energy from the haylage as the conversion to energy from the haylage eaten is more efficient.

In general the analysis allows a complete overview of what you should be feeding your horses, by providing your horse with haylage of high nutrition like we offer here you should be able to halve your hard feed costs.

Please call 07802371547 to speak to Rupert regarding haylage sales and prices.


If you would like your hay/ haylage/ grass tested then please do not hesitate Sally at the Healthy Horse Company www.thehealthyhorsecompany.com

26th September Studukeuro at Arena UK


Stud UK Euro is doing brilliantly at Arena UK this week with our riders Megan Williams and Sophie Kempshall.

The results have been fantastic -

Cindoctro our Indoctro x Nimmerdor mare - double clear in Foxhunter

Esperado our Cicero x Concorde gelding - also double clear.

Celennio UK one of our homebreds now sold is also competing and jumping clear with her new owner!



Zaire jumping for the British Team in Switzerland. Securing their win!!

Zaire produced here at Stud UK Euro and now privately owned by Caroline Phillips. He has been ridden by Guy Williams in the British Team, Zaire securing England their win with Robert Whittaker in Switzerland wih a magnificent clear within the time.


Zaire jumping for the British Team in Switzerland. Securing their win!!

Zaire produced here at Stud UK Euro and now privately owned by Caroline Phillips. He has been ridden by Guy Williams in the British Team, Zaire securing England their win with Robert Whittaker in Switzerland wih a magnificent clear within the time.

Brightwells Sport Horse Sale June 14th 2014

We have had 2 of our absolute top quality youngsters selected for the Brightwells Sport Horse Sale at Addington Manor in June. These two youngsters really are the cream of British breeding, the bloodlines are exceptional and this is evident in their loose jump at the age of 3.
Karokaram UK Z is Zangersheide passported and is by our top mare Petri (Celano) and by the famous stallion Kannan. Top class breeding. She is a very pretty filly and wow can she jump.

Flipper Darco UK Z, well his breeding speaks for itself, out of our Darco mare and by the stallion Flipper D'elle. His loose jump has wowed everyone who has seen his video, this colt is sure to make it to the top. We are sad to be selling both of them as they really are top top class.

Check out the sale details at http://www.brightwells.com/Equine/Default.aspx


Spring 2014 Broodmares for Sale - At Bargain Prices to Good Homes Only

 We have 4 Broodmares for Sale at very reasonable prices. All will come either in foal or with foal at foot.

Shela - homozygous mare which will produce a coloured foal to any stallion. £900 in foal to Branco Van Overis

Petri - with foal at foot £1200

Colette - due to foal £1200

Unamine - in foal £400

Please find all mares with pictures and further details breeding etc on our broodmares page. We are cutting down on horses this year hnece the bargain prices.

Zaire jumping with ease Feb 2014

Zaire wins the Land Rover Grand Prix in Bordeaux

Guy Williams proved himself a World Class Jockey at the Longines Jumping International de Bordeaux.  He jumped Zaire to win the Land Rover Grand Prix 1m60 on  Sunday 9th Feb 2014 having already won the 1m45 Foire internationale on the Saturday.
Privately owned by Caroline Phillips. The young horse was sourced by her as a three year old and initially produced at Studukeuro, going on to Mark Williams until Caroline brought him to Guy in the summer of 2013. Caroline had broken her back in the early part of 2013 and purchased Zaire privately beliving she may have paralyzed both legs and be unable to ride again.  The results coming from this phenominal partnership between Guy and Zaire are certainly helping Caroline in her recovery.
Thank you to Guy and Team Williams GBR.

Ease in Motion - Sarah Holmes

Sarah Holmes is our new sponsor at Stud UK Euro, she has done some excellent work on our horses here and uses a special texchnique, she is a McTimoney practicioner and highly qualified. McTimoney is a gentle but highly effective technique whereby short levered adjustments realign the skeletal system, releasing muscle  spasm, restoring range of movement and optimising nerve function.
Check out her website www.easeinmotion.co.uk


Caroline's superstar gelding ZAIRE!!

Caroline's gelding Zaire has been competing with Guy Williams during 2013, back in October and last Sunday (Dec) he jumped his first World Cup in Mechelen Belgium with the fantastic riding ability of Guy Williams helping him the whole way round, a technically very difficult 16 fence course of true 160m jumps. What was nice to see was that he went higher over the 160 Oxer's not skimming them at all!! Caroline is very proud to have produced such a wonderfully talented horse and are very very excited to see what 2014 brings him!

Zaire has won the Talent Seekers at HOYS 2013 with Guy Williams

Zaire just keeps winning!! We are off to see him compete again tomorrow!

Zaire has moved to Guy Williams' yard after a brief stay at studukeuro . June 2013

Zaire, our 9yr old by Indoctro bought on at Stud UK Euro is moving from Mark Williams' yard back to me where i Caroline Phillips am buying a half of him tfrom studukeuro as i want him as my personal horse due to my serious injury .Zaire has had a virus and not looked as good as we thought so it wont matter if he is mine and doesnt make the top grade i can just enjoy watching him at some shows .he will go to Guys  for arena UK and will be competed at HOYS by Guy. 

Diamonte Darco Reserve for Nations Cup British Team

Diamonte Darco by Unbelievable Darco sold by Stud UK Euro was 2nd in a 150m class at Linz and was reserve for the Nations Cup British Team.
Broken and produced here at studukeuro then Guy Williams and Becky took over at Foxhunter stage, selling her 9 months later to Graham Lovegrove.


Zaire has qualified for Horse of the Year Show after a 4th in The Talent Seekers 140m


Zaire, 9 yr old by Indoctro, half owned by Stud UK Euro and Mark Williams. Mark has done a fantastic job of producing this horse. He has also produced Ciske Van Overis, half owned with Gerald Lenearts and sold to Edwina Alexander, now with Rodrigo Pessoa.

Zaire jumps with ease, he has won many competitions, one being the Star of the Future at Arena UK, jumping 140m. Also placed 4th in The Talent Seekers 140m. He was also placed 5th in 140m at Weston Lawns.
Watch is video here ...............  https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=8DGjz9zXQ5g

Find yourself a project for the Summer

Summer will be on its way shortly (we hope!)
Have you thought about buying yourself a project for the Summer, a yearling or 2 year old?

We have a number of lovely youngsters for sale at reasonable prices, all with top breeding. Check out our yearling and 2 yr old pages.



Check out Scallywag UK. 4yr old showjumper bred at Stud UK Euro, by Branco Van Overis (Darco) 15.3hh coloured.
Latest videos have been added - go to 4yr olds page!

Arrrival of the auctioneer at the famous warmblood auction.

Horse Auction Belgium 15th Feb 2013

The famous Horse Auction Belgium is to be held on 15th Feb 2013.

Riders are encouraged to make it a full week of competing. Riders from all over the world are all very welcome. Head to the website and book up.

Free Champagne and tables are offered to all international attendees


This auction has seen 100's of horses bought by UK buyers many now performing at high levels.

Youngsters loose and under saddle from the cream of the regions breeders.

Call Caroline for more details 07802371548  or Gerald direct in Belgium. He speaks perfect english 0032 475 778927

Offspring from famous sires such as Darco, Non Stop, Coupe de Coeur, Heartbreaker, Lord Z, Toulon, Cassini II, Caretino, Mr Blue, Andiamo, Kashmir van Schuttershof, Cicero, to name but a few. It is a very good way to view up and coming TOP level youngsters with the option to purchase.

Please view all the horses on Youtube - great videos of all 40 horses in auction. Click here

We have some fantastic 3yr olds for sale at very reasonable prices....

We have 3 top prospects for sale... please see below.

Sparkler UK
Bright Bay - stunning looks. By our stallion Branco Van Overis (Parco/Darco) 3yr old mare ready to break. Will make 16.1hh. Click here to see more info.

Sheikara UK
Grey mare by Branco Van Overis out of our Burggraaf mare. Very pretty, gentle nature. Great jump! 3yr old to make 16.2hh. For more info click here.

Midnight Silver UK
3yr old gelding, Will make top eventer. By Branco Van Overis. To make 16hh. Ready for breaking. Click here to see more.

Arena UK 2012 - very pleased with our mares

Venus UK excelled herself competing in the 110m Open Final on Sunday, competing against Grade A's.

Ginger Van Overis jumped the Final Fox Hunter too.


Venus UK won the Scope Adventurer FINAL

We are very lease with our stunning mare Venus UK bred here at Stud UK Euro, by Unbelievable Darco out of our Rox de la Touche mare. Venus. 7 yrs old, liver chestnut is out of the mare that also produced Navarro UK, stallion champion of 2011/12 in Belgium.

She can turn on a sixpence, she is a brave and honest mare with a super scopey jump and is very careful.

She was ridden by Charlotte Foreman at Scope this year and won the Adventurer Final. We are so pleased with her!

Venus is for sale so if you would like to view her please call 07802 371548


Check our Facebook Group out...

Email system has returned to normal now... :)

Please join our group on Facebook for up to date news from Stud UK Euro...


Our email system is not working - 13/08/12

Our Business Broadband Provider has yet again failed us and we have no method of sending or receiving emails. Any email sent after 9am on Tuesday 14th August will have not been received. Please could you call us on 07802371548 if you would like to view any of our horses.

We have a temporary email address should you need it; larkiestud@hotmail.co.uk


We sincerly apologise for this inconvienience.

Check out our YouTube site... we have over 100 videos

Recently uploaded... videos of Foals 2012... stunning! Check out our other videos too, a huge variety of all the latest horses for sale.

New horse arrived at Stud.... Chamonix

Check out our new horse...

very talented bay mare by Quazimodo Z out of a Numero Uno mare. Superb prospect for future... very kind mare with lots of potential.

We also have got Catharina Z... a mare for sale by Calvados Z (Chellano Z) out of a Darco mare. Check her out too... both in the featured horses for sale.


New horses arrived at Stud

We have 2 new horses at the Stud, Dagmar Van Overis, a speedy 9yr old that jumps 130m tracks - Robin Des Bruyeres x Darco - more info

Katerina by Calvados, extravagant moving 4 yr old 16hh grey and beautiful. More info

More info will be on there pages soon....

Get your Rocks Off

Get your Rocks Off UK born 30th April 2012

Amazing little bay colt by Branco Van Overis - Parco, Darco bloodlines combined with that of dam Elise's Indoctro lines. Very inquisitive and will be a handsome fella, he is true to go far with these superb bloodlines as can be seen below.

Indoctro is our most popular jumping sire for frozen semen and one of the top breeding sires in Holland. In 2006, at the young age of 16 Indoctro was awarded the much covenant title of ‘Preferent’ by the KWPN. Indoctro is the #1 sire in the index of the Holstein Studbook and ranked #9 in the World Breeding Ranking. Indoctro offspring love to work and are loved worldwide by trainers, amateur and professional riders. Indoctro puts on a very nice modern type.         

Without any doubt, Parco is one of the best descents of Darco.
Parco demonstrates the rich mix of jumping blood that has produced such spectacular results for the BWP.
Ridden by Ludo Philippaerts, who also campaigned Darco ( Hanoverian breeding from Lugano I, out of a mare by the Holsteiner Codex by Cottage Son ), this stallion has incredible results to show for.
Already Belgian Champion Show Jumping with Ludo as an eight years old, he was number nine in the listings of best jumpers worldwide as a nine years old. 


Bulldog UK

12 foals already!

Stud UK Euro has already had a very busy foaling season! We have seen some very exciting future superstars.... our stallion Diamant de Landetta (Argentinus, Diamant de Semilly) Arko's nephew, has produced his first set of youngsters, including Bulldog UK and Lightning Diamant UK.

Branco Van Overis (Parco/Darco stallion) has yet again produced exceptional quality with his foals, all looking very promising.

Check out the foal page for pictures and further info.

Crimson Rosella UK

Thanks to everyone who attended the Open Day

Huge thanks to all who attended the Open Day was a great success. We have just updated the foal page so check it out!


Stud UK Euro Open Day Sunday 20th 1.30pm CT4 6RL

Come along to our Stud OPEN DAY

This sunday... fantastic raffle prizes to be won, foals to see, all horses for sale can be viewed..refreshments and jumping displays! Meet our stallions too. Come along... 1.30pm

Please call 07802 371548 for any enquiries.

Shelvin Farm

Sparkler UK

SPECIAL SPRING OFFERS - Stud Open Day 20th May 1.30pm

We have selected Yearlings  and 3yr olds for sale at special spring prices;

Zorro Noire UK
Branco Van Overis (Parco) X Cotation X Horos
WB x TB Stunning black colt
Grande Montet UK
Branco Van Overis (Parco) X Conterno Grande X Lys De Darmen
Beautiful bay filly will make an amazing showjumper
Jack Sparrow UK
Branco Van Overis X Dalul xx X Riboboy xx
Black colt WB x TB will make an excellent eventer
Blanc Bleu UK
Branco van Overis (Parco) X Cotation X Horos
Grey filly WB x TB Dam was phenomenal eventer - Darco blood in her sire

Check out full profiles on the Yearlings for Sale Page www.studukeuro.com/horses-for-sale/

Stunning selection of 3 yr olds - Special Spring Prices
Priced between £2750 - £5500

Tiger UK - 2yr old
By Branco Van Overis X Saucy
Bay colt - lots of character
Le Marquand UK
Branco Van Overis X Calando I X Capitol I
Dark Bay gelding - very nice paces with a jump to match
Sparkler UK
By Branco Van Overis (Parco/Darco)
Very very pretty bay mare - very friendly with plenty of Darco blood
Midnight Silver UK
Branco Van Overis X Dalul xx X Riboboy xx
Gelding, Will make superb eventer and jumping prospect, will turn grey WB x TB
Silver Mystery UK
Branco Van Overis X Fourstars Allstars xx X Green Shoon xx
Grey gelding, WB x TB eventer, strong rhythm, sound paces and scopey jump
Fidgie Des Bois UK
Branco Van Overis X Radjah Z X Ukapoc de la Sure
Furioso lines combined with Darco blood, compact, pretty bay filly

To view these 3yr olds please click here www.studukeuro.com/horses-for-sale/

Can all be viewed before or on our Open Day - 20th May 1.30pm CT4 6RL Make sure you come along - tours of stock start at 2.30pm and there will be an exciting selection of jumping displays, refreshments on offer and foals to see.

Sparkler UK

Stunning selection of quality 3yr olds SPECIAL SPRING PRICES View at our Open Day 20th May

Stunning selection of 3 yr olds - Special Spring Prices
Priced between £2750 - £5500
Le Marquand UK
Branco Van Overis X Calando I X Capitol I
Dark Bay gelding - very nice paces with a jump to match
Sparkler UK
By Branco Van Overis (Parco/Darco)
Very very pretty bay mare - very friendly with plenty of Darco blood
Midnight Silver UK
Branco Van Overis X Dalul xx X Riboboy xx
Gelding, Will make superb eventer and jumping prospect, will turn grey WB x TB
Silver Mystery UK
Branco Van Overis X Fourstars Allstars xx X Green Shoon xx
Grey gelding, WB x TB eventer, strong rhythm, sound paces and scopey jump
Fidgie Des Bois UK
Branco Van Overis X Radjah Z X Ukapoc de la Sure
Furioso lines combined with Darco blood, compact, pretty bay filly

Can all be viewed before or on our Open Day - 20th May 1.30pm CT4 6RL Make sure you come along - tours of stock start at 2.30pm and there will be an exciting selection of jumping displays, refreshments on offer and foals to see.

Spring Special Offer Yearlings for SALE Priced between £1500 and £2000

Selected Yearlings for sale at special spring prices;

Zorro Noire UK
Branco Van Overis (Parco) X Cotation X Horos
WB x TB Stunning black colt
Grande Montet UK
Branco Van Overis (Parco) X Conterno Grande X Lys De Darmen
Beautiful bay filly will make an amazing showjumper
Jack Sparrow UK
Branco Van Overis X Dalul xx X Riboboy xx
Black colt WB x TB will make an excellent eventer
Blanc Bleu UK
Branco van Overis (Parco) X Cotation X Horos
Grey filly WB x TB Dam was phenomenal eventer - Darco blood in her sire

Check out full profiles on the Yearlings for Sale Page www.studukeuro.com/horses-for-sale/
Can all be viewed before or on our Open Day - 20th May 1.30pm  

Darco: The best stallion ever?

For the fifth time Darco topped the leaderboard as the leading stallion on the WBFSH showjumping ranking list for sires.

Darco also has his own bronze statue in Peer (belgium) the city where he was born in 1980.

Picture - Article from Breeding News Issue No 183 March 2012 page 7.

Please check out our stunning Darco youngsters FOR SALE, we also have a fine broodmare, Donna by Darco who has thrown some cracking foals with lots of Darco blood.


Open Day 20th May at Stud UK Euro

Fantastic horses for sale - mares, geldings, stallions 4 - 7yr olds.

Youngsters for sale from foals to 3yr olds - all bred to jump!

Ridden displays and refreshments.

Come and see the foals!


Panhof Horse Auction - Great success with 4 horses sold to the UK

Well it was a great auction at the Panhof in Belgium we were treated to some incredible jumping displays by these young horses they built an oxer 170m high and really wide and the Cassal la silla horse- Colombo - jumped it like it was a metre he went for 78,000 euros to Holland after a huge battle with Brazil. Grandis v/d Lindehoeve by Cicero Z was sold for 50,000 euros. However there were some bargains, the Blue Boy four year old went for 6,500.

For all prices and info please see www.horseauctionbelgium.be


Follow @studukeuro on TWITTER - all the latest news from the Stud

Follow @studukeuro on Twitter - regular up to date tweets from staff at STUD UK EURO

If you have purchased a horse from Stud UK Euro please follow us and post your news about your horses - we are keen to hear results of shows you have attended or any other news regarding your superstars!

CHANGE DATES -- Auction Preview day Tuesday 14th February 10am at Panhof Peer In Belgium Every one is welcome

Panhof Horse Auction Belgium announced their preview day. All are welcome its only 3 hrs by car from Calais. THe preveiw starts at 10am showing the selection jumping at the auction venue Panhof Equestrian Centre Peer Limburg Belgium. Feel free to attend. Call us if yiou need help with arrangements. A great chance to see you chosen youngstser performing prior to the auction itself . mPossibly meet the owner ask questions etc.

Panhof Horse Auction Belgium 24th February 2012 - Come and find yourself a superstar!

3 and 4 yr old Stallions/ Mares and Geldings for sale by Nonstop/Kannan/Cicero/Zurich/Flipper D'elle and many more.

The Auction is held in Panhof, Belgium on 24th February 2012, with roughly 30 outstanding horses for sale. Catalogues and DVD's are available before the auction. We will keep you updated as to when we receive them.

You can view all horses for sale at www.belgiumhorseauction.be

This really is a fantastic opportunity to purchase a top International Prospect for the future at a bargain price.

For further info please call Caroline on 07802 371548 or email larkie@studukeuro.com

Guy Williams wins Masters first dayMechelen 2011

Well done Guy another good start with Depardieu in the Masters. Other news included Navarro Uk placed in the 5yr olds on 27th well done to all at Star Horses

Beautiful Balarina

Balarina III sold to a new home !!

Balarina III our wonderful 5 year old sold last week. By the famous son of Quidam De Revel , Verdi. This mare has always been a winner and we wish her new owner and her all the best for the future.

Diamant at Felbridge

Diamant Darco shows she is one for the "A list"

Diamant Darco , proves she is heading for the big tracks. Another top schooling round at Guy's sees her jumping the wings. Call us for more details about this future star. 0044 78023716548

Balarina at Felbridge Oct 2011

Balarina III wins again under Emily Elliott

AFter a number of succfess's at Felbridge , Emily Elliott took Balarina to another win this weeka t limes farm . She added a win in the Foxhunter ojn Diamant to the days success's.

Caroline on the awesome Balarina III

Return From Hickstead Sept 2011

Hickstead saw caroline and Balarina making great progress. This mare is now looking very impressive. She wins wins wins which can not be bad. Massini UK is also developing into what we think will be an international level pospect. Watch this space.  Chopard by Chellano Z Made the Main arena ridden by Rebecca Walker , a star in the making !!


Off to Hickstead 4yr olds - check out photos next week!

We have Massini UK Z, Chopard Van Overis in the 4yr olds and Ginger Van Overis and Balarina in the 110m.


Lotte Simons Photography - check out the great pictures of the 2yr olds and Foals

July 2011

Lotte came to Stud UK Euro to do a photo shoot of our youngsters, the photos will soon be uploaded to the website, we are very excited! Please check out her work at www.lottesimons.com or follow Lotte Simons Photography on Facebook.

Lotte's pictures have now been added to the 2 yr olds and foals - great pictures - check them out!

AmaZulu C

Beautifully Marked Tobiano Boodmare FOR SALE £3500 ONO Gribaldi - Ferro - G.Ramiro Z Dressage Breeding


July 2011

Stunning black tobiano 6 yr old mare, lovely gentle temperament and fantastic achievements before retiring as a broodmare.

By Special D out of a Gribaldi mare. With Olympic Ferro, known as one of the world's best dressage stallions, on her sire's line. Gribaldi and Rossini on her dam's side.

Her DNA test results state Homozygous Black (EE) - Non Agouti (aa) - XX/OX percentage: 26.15%

Her achievements as a youngster are phenomenal gaining Reserve Champion 2yo Dressage horse and won the Youngstock Sport Horse Championship , please find all her details in the Broodmare and Featured section, plus video of her movement.

£3500 ono Please call Clare Waterman   07775 505803

Youngstock Grazing Liveries NOW AVAILABLE

June 2011

We offer a competitively priced grazing livery for your youngster.

Do you need to turn your youngster away for a year?
Lack of time and grazing to look after your youngster untill he or she needs breaking in?

At Stud UK Euro we can look after your foal /yearling /2yr, 3 or 4yr old all year round. Your youngster will run with our group of stock of the same age, and will be checked daily. During the winter months we supply ad lib haylage and hard feed once a day.

Prices - Summer grazing £25 per week
               Winter grazing     £35 per week

Please call 07802 371547 for further info or email katie@ukeuro.com

Buy a super horse

OPEN DAY 28th May with auction of brood mares and youngsters at 4.30 pm

May 2011

IMPORTANT NEWS we have bought ARKO'S nephew from Europe, he is very special looks identical to his superstar relation ARKO yet bigger 16.3hh and of incredibly high quality. He moves like a Grand Prix dressage horse and is very very handsome, exceptionally quiet temperament. Come and see him on our Open Day 28th May. He will be available for coverings next season at £750. He is learning the job with us this year. For more information on him, look at our Stallion page - Diamant de Landetta.

OPEN DAY - 28th May - 2pm

Exciting loose jumping displays and ridden work - dressage.
Tour of stock for sale 2.30pm

Auction 4.30pm
Selected quality yearlings / 2yo / 3yo  £1200 - £3500

Auction horses include;
Sky Lord UK
Hot Pants UK
Midnight Star UK
Silver Mystery UK
Canterbury Jack UK
Midnight Silver UK
Scally Wag UK
Midnight Blue UK
Peter Rabbit UK

Broodmares are now sold
We still have Liberation Rose for permenant loan and her foal at foot is for sale for £550

Please email katie@ukeuro.com for a preview of the auction catalogue

£4 per adult / £2 per child - Charitable donation to World Horse Welfare

Directions: (opp Broome Park on A260) or (Left off A2 to Canterbury from Dover, 2nd left after traffic lights at Shepherdswell)

Mares and foals 2010

Broodmares for sale with foal at foot, in foal to our stallion Branco Van Overis

NOW SOLD - May 2011

We have 4  broodmares for sale this summer, with foals at foot, a please call 07802 371547 if you are interested in purchasing one of them. A fantastic opportunity to invest in a quality youngster with Broodmare inclueded
They can all be seen at our OPEN DAY 28th May 2011. Details will follow shortly. ARKO very exciting we have bought from Europe  Arkos nephew he is an identical version of the superstar but bigger ,the quality of this horse  is very high ,and his movement is of a top level dressage horse . he will be available for coverings next season . we are teaching him the job this year .

Catherston Zanzibar - 15.3hh Warmblood bay mare by Catherston Zebedee, bred by the Catherston Stud. Known as Jazz, she has produced some superb offspring both by Branco Van Overis, Cheeky Boy UK, sold last year and Periwinkle Blue UK, still for sale as a yearling. She is in foal to Branco for season 2011, and will be due at the end of June. Fantatstic bloodlines, her sire is the Grade A stallion, Zandor and he was by the legendry Nimmerdor, combined with the Darco lines of Branco Van Overis, Jazz is sure to produce anoter top competition prospect this season. NOW SOLD

Puzzle Palace xx - 15.3hh TB bay mare by Fourstars Allstar, Northern Dancer xx as her great grand sire. We have put her to our warmblood stallion to produce a top eventing prospect, she is in foal for season 2011 and will be due in July. NOW SOLD

Brooksby April Showers - very pretty Danish warmblood, by Cranswick's Lord R.B. She has produced a very handsome colt, named Canterbury Jack UK, for sale on the website. She is in foal again this year to Branco Van Overis, due in June 2011. If Canterbury Jack is anything to go by it will be a very handsome all rounder horse NOW SOLD

Red Hot Chilli II - Irish sport horse with King of Diamonds in her bloodlines,  good jumping mare carefull and jumped competitively herself.We have put this pretty mare to BRANCO VAN OVERIS for this season, and she will be producing her first foal in June. She is for sale with this foal at foot/ in foal NOW SOLD

All above broodmares for sale with foal at foot, more info can be found on them in 'Featured horses' section, priced between £750 - £1500 please call Rupert 07802 371547 or email larkie@studukeuro.com

OPEN DAY 28th May 2011  Auction at 4.30 pm  or can be bought  privately before or after open day - Broodmares for sale on day along with youngsters and horses in competition.

Lightning Darco

Lightning Darco - Top quality coloured Stallion by Darco now FOR SALE

March 2011

Lightning Darco UK was an early foal we had hoped for a coloured colt and that is what arrived he is by the legendary Belgian Stallion Darco, out of our coloured mare Shela.

His dam, Shela has an outstanding pedigree ( Furioso II ) and it was her ability to free jump that sold her to us . We have mixed in the blood of Darco and produced what looks to be a very real coloured Darco jumping prospect. We have already had international interest in this unusual Colt and judging by his movement, powerful build, correct confirmation and bold attitude to life he is likely to be quite special.

With the very sad loss of Darco the World famous Belgian sire this summer of 2006. We are considering keeping both to take on to the stallion gradings. In these two colts once again and in his last season of standing, Darco has had the uncanny ability to stamp the "look at me" factor. It is expected that there will be more Darco projeny into the future due to the stores of frozen semen but these are now of course finite.

January 2007 Lightning Darco UK now registered and weened is a particularly striking mover set to achieve 16.2 or 16.3 we are very happy with his development to date.

As we move into 2009 Lightning has developed into a strong colt. He showed top scope when loose jumped in autumn 2008.

2010 finds him under saddle and learning his paces. He truely has top scope which he maintains under saddle.

April 2010 - A half share of Lightning was sold to Neil Fiddes, he is now sucessfully competing the 4 year old classes.

Feb 2011 - Lightning is in production with Neil Fiddes

Please see further photos and video on our Competition Horses page or call Caroline on 07802 371548 for further information.

Navarro UK at Gesves 2011

Navarro UK has now won the 5 yr old age class at the International Selection Show, Gesves, March 2011

March 2011

Navarro UK

Bred by STUD UKEURO in Kent, England – a striking stallion with much atheletiscm and presence, was sold at the Horse Auction Belgium at Panhof, Peer in Belgium to Albert Peffer of Star Horses NV in February 2009 rising 3 years.

Navarro UK our homebred stallion is a son of Darco out of our Selle Francaise mare by Rox de la Touche. August 2010 saw him win The Prestigious 4 year old championship in Gesves Belgium. He then won the 4 year old stallion championship at Mechelen December 2010

Navarro UK has now gone on to win the 5 yr old age class at the International Selection Show in Gesves 12-13 March 2011

This stallion really is a true winner!

Look out for other horses of this callibre by browsing our stock list. Many more foals on the way this year, so keep an eye on our foal stock list.

For further information/pictures and videos on Navarro UK you can find in the 'Featured Sold Horses' section.

Navarro - Peffer

Navarro UK wins the 4 year old championship at Gesves Belgium 2010

Navarro UK, bred by STUD UKEURO in Kent England – a striking stallion with much atheletiscm and presence, was sold at the Horse Auction Belgium at Panhof, Peer in Belgium to Albert Peffer of Star Horses NV in February 2009 rising 3 years.

Navarro UK our homebred stallion is a son of Darco out of our Selle Francaise mare by Rox de la Touche.

August 2010 saw him win The Prestigious 4 year old championship in Gesves Belgium and he won the 4 year old stallion championship at Mechelen December 2010

Even as a youngster Navarro’s paces have been truly eye catching and he has inherited the amazing Darco jump without a doubt. If you are interested in horses of this callibre please view our stock on the website or call 07802 371548

We have Navarro's brother, Flipper Tango UK Z, 2 yr old colt by Flipper D'elle in the 2011 Belgium Auction this year. If you are interested in purchasing him then call 07802 371548

Mark Bunting on Ennio Van Overis by Nonstop

Ennio Van Overis arrived home and is now with Tommy Williams

August 2010

We wish both Tom and Ennio all the best in competition for the future Ennio has been competing with Mark Bunting and has double clears six year olds and been winning Newcomers he is very bold and is a super confidence giver as jumps big water, ditches, he has all the scope, superb flatwork giving you a rolls royce ride  . A big softee to handle ,stands about 17hh and is very good looking . serious enquiries to Caroline 07802371548 .
Ennio is another outstanding son of the very Famous stallion Nonstop. which includes Michael Whitaker's Amai and Robert Smith's Raging Bull Vangelis as two of his famous projeny

Navarra UK

Stud UKEuro Open Day 22nd August 2010 1pm

July 2010

Sunday 22nd Aug The day was very successfull despite thunder and heavy rain over a 100 people came and stayed to watch all the exciting loose jumping displays . We will do another two next year .
Visit our Stud and view our stock, now is your chance to see a selection of exciting competition horses ranging from this year’s beautiful foals to talented 4 year olds, ready to compete.
Gates open 1pm
Entry - £4 per car (charitable donation to World Horse Welfare)
2pm - An instructional tour of the stables and viewing of all young stock, broodmares and stallions plus exciting displays of loose and ridden jumping!
We have a huge variety of stock up for sale, with £500 discount vouchers availabe off price of all stock! Tel Caroline 07802371548

Red Kite with dam

Red Kite by Fierro Hof Ter Zeedycke one of the latest foals season 2010

June 2010

Red Kite by Fierro Hof Ter Zeedycke beautiful filly one of the first crop of Fierro foals . We are extremely pleased with the offspring from this rising star son of Nonstop. Three foals this season they are exceptional quality. Born in May 2010