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I support the hard work and effort put into British horse breeding and young horse production by Stud Ukeuro here in Kent.
Guy Williams, British Show Jumper
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Nes-Quick UK Z
D/O/B: Wednesday, 20 June 2007
Sold at Auction in Belgium outstanding result. We are very pleased and wis her new owner all the best.
Born to our Burgraff Mare this filly is very impressive. Shemoves well with a light agile lifted action. She has already had offers.
Nes-Quick UK Z by Nonstop. Nonstop is now considered the leading sire out of Darco, his projeny sold very well at the BWP auction at the Warre in Belgium in 2006 and also on Sept 29th at De Warre this year.Non Stop now has twenty graded sons and has over 700 mares a year.
We are very pleased with Nes-Quick UK Z who has already had interest from abroad. Nonstop, Burgraff, for the power Rex Magna xx for the necessary blood and Nimmerdor as a 4th generation sire.
Dec 2007 there is no question this filly is by Nonstop she has the hall mark head of a Nonstop youngster..has grown significantly and is coming together very nicely
Jan 2009 Nes-Quick has continued to progress and remains a very elegant filly matching anything we have seen abroad in stature and movement.
June 2009 we loosed nesquick and she is phenomenal ,picking up the idea of jumping very quickly and showing great technique and off the floor power from the very beginning.
August Gerald lenaerts arrives he is the champion belgium breeder and was selaecting for the Panhof auction - Nesquick was a star she jumped really well and consistently showing real scope, agility and quick athletic reactions.